Guiding Eyes: Syracuse Students Raising Future Guide Dogs

Guiding Eyes

Meet Tarzan and Juan, the newest members of Syracuse University’s community. They bring joy and purpose with their wagging tails and friendly demeanor. Tarzan, a one-year-old black lab, and Juan, a four-month-old yellow lab, are special puppies. They are raised by Arianna Kuhn ’25 and Megan Panny ’25 for Guiding Eyes for the Blind. This nonprofit organization trains guide dogs to assist people with vision loss.

Campus Engagement and Inspiration

Kuhn, a biology major, and Panny pursuing dual degrees in English and education, were drawn to Guiding Eyes through campus outreach. These efforts were led by Mary Oonk. Guiding Eyes, founded in 1954 and headquartered in Yorktown Heights, New York, operates with over 1,700 volunteers. These volunteers are along the Eastern Seaboard and Guiding Eyes provides all its services free of charge. They rely on dedicated volunteers like Kuhn and Panny to raise and train future guide dogs. Both students empathized with the organization’s mission. They wanted to give life to their love of animals through community service.

The Guiding Eyes and Syracuse University partnership began with a single call. Oonk brought the program to campus through the JMA Wireless Dome. The partnership quickly grew to include regular training sessions and attending university events. These events further socialize the puppies.

Transformative Experiences and Community Support

Stephen Kuusisto, a University Professor and advocate for the visually impaired, shared personal stories. He related to his guide dogs and how they empowered his life. Through advocacy and promotion of Guiding Eyes, student-faculty-staff relationships have been born. These relationships help integrate, embrace challenges, and foster growth. Raising guide dogs poses logistical problems on the busy SU campus. There are housing restrictions for puppies in training. Syracuse University continues to support the Guiding Eyes mission. The club’s display at campus events and their activities among students keep growing. They offer wide opportunities for engagement.

Building Lifelong Bonds and Friendship

For Kuhn and Panny, the Guiding Eyes program is more than an act of service and responsibility. It has solidified lifelong friendships through the Central New York community. Their loyalty shows the program accomplishes more than training a guide dog. It also establishes personal relationships.

Get Involved

Want to get involved as a puppy raiser or in another way? Guiding Eyes is eager to have faculty, staff, and students participate. The benefits go beyond campus involvement. It’s about making a direct impact on another human being’s life.

Conclusion: A Shared Commitment to Service and Empowerment

Kuhn, Panny, and hundreds of other volunteers care deeply. Their spirit of caring is exemplified in the work of Guiding Eyes for the Blind at Syracuse University. The program raises and trains guide dogs to do more than change one life. It fosters connections across and around campus.