These Proven Gym Benefits Will For Sure Make You Want To Hit The Gym


Have you ever gone to the gym? What do you see there? Sweaty people? Lifting dumbbells moving plates, jumping, running on a treadmill, and torturing their body. Have we ever wondered why these people are so hyped about this?

We all are familiar with the benefits of physical exercise. we are here to dive down to know about the benefits of resistance/weight/strength training and how resistance training helps us in day-to-day life and makes our life easier.

 First, let us learn about what is resistance training and how it is done and how we can incorporate resistance training into our lifestyle.

Strength training — also known as weight or resistance training — is a physical activity designed to improve muscular strength and fitness by exercising a specific muscle or muscle group against external resistance, including free weights, weight machines, or your own body weight.

There are basically 5 types of resistance training:

  1. Bodybuilding:
  2. Bute strength training:
  3. 3 circuit training:
  4. Isometric weight training
  5. high volume training

 Which type of resistance training to select mainly depends on two factors:

  1. our personal preference, is whether we want to get aesthetic muscles or get stronger in lifting. building a strong body or enhancing our athletic performance.
  2. Our Goals, losing weight, building strong muscles etc.

Now let’s discuss the benefits of resistance training, the benefits are enormous but let’s look at some of the most prominent ones.

  • Improved Cardiovascular Health: With the link between high body fat and increased chances of developing cardiovascular disease, engaging in physical activity is a priority. Strength training can improve heart health by helping to reduce the excess fat that releases hormones and proteins responsible for cardiac problems.
  • Improved Mental Health: Like the famous “runner’s high,” strength training and weightlifting are natural remedies to stress and anxiety. Endorphins triggered during exercise send signals to your brain that then work to boost your mood.
  • Stronger Bones: Did you know that weightlifting contributes to bone health? Lifting long-term can help increase bone density and strengthen your body’s tendons and ligaments. Consequently, you’ll reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis and sustaining injuries.
  • Improved Joint Flexibility: Strength training requires a full range of motion (ROM) during movements. Naturally, the more time your joints spend adjusting to the various actions and lifts, the more mobility and flexibility you’ll notice over time.
  • Lower Body Fat: Sure, strength training aids in muscle building; however, looking past the muscle and strength gain, you’ll notice the loss of body fat. Building muscle during training helps burn calories and increase your resting metabolism so that you burn calories all day, even while you’re simply sitting.
  • Improved Body Image: No matter the aesthetic result, strength training tests what the body can do. It gives you a sense of accomplishment that improves how you perceive your physical appearance.
  • Reduces Risk of Chronic Disease: Strength training helps alleviate the symptoms of many chronic diseases. It promotes faster sugar removal from the blood, which helps increase insulin sensitivity. This is incredibly beneficial in preventing type 2 diabetes. Weightlifting can also lower bad cholesterol and increase well.

Isn’t it amazing spending time in the gym will give us such benefits? with the increase in the popularity of resistance training the general population is now inclining toward living healthy and prolonged life, achieving their dream body and living to their fullest with a healthy body.