Choose Solar Energy: Why Solar Panels For Home Is a Better Choice

Solar Energy

Switching to solar panels and solar energy has been on the agenda for many. The world today recognizes the harm fossil fuels do to the environment and want to switch to healthier alternatives in terms of energy consumption. Road signs, malls, and other professional establishments have already turned solar; what remains are households. Solar panels for homes are easily available and to install. So are you ready to solar-power-ize your life?

For many households, making the switch to solar energy is simple. After all, cutting back on your use of fossil fuels makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, understanding the underlying science isn’t nearly that easy, and purchasing panels includes several technical phrases and ideas that we don’t frequently come across in our hectic daily lives.

Why Solar Energy?

A solar power system is a proper configuration of all the solar system’s parts to generate usable electricity. Establishing a solar power plant is mostly done to secure power independence and reduce business electricity costs. 

A solar power plant consists of big and small systems with capacities ranging from 1 kW to 100 MW. Solar power plants can employ a variety of technologies, but the most popular and effective method for converting sunlight into energy is photovoltaic technology.

Thus, if the environment and the solar energy types selected are precisely matched to one another, solar energy is not only a very cost-effective and efficient energy source but also a dependable and long-lasting one. Such bright prospects have emerged in a sector that has invested much in creating effective methods to harness, utilize, and store solar energy. Through the usage of various solar panels for home types and the creation of useful power.

How to Choose The Perfect Solar Panel For Home?

Knowing your options and how many panels you want to install at your home are the first steps in choosing the best type of solar panel for home.

There are three primary types of solar panels for home use, according to Energy Sage. They are thin-film, polycrystalline, and monocrystalline.

Solar roofing shingles, a fourth solution, are a more recent and pricey technology that is undoubtedly a good (and alluring) option for individuals with the money to cover the initial expenditures.

  1. Monocrystalline Panels

One of the most common types of solar panels is monocrystalline. With an average efficiency rate of 24% at the moment, this type has a longer average lifespan than other panels, ranging from 25 to 40 years.

Monocrystalline panels are said to be the most effective of the lot, while all types offer some degree of energy efficiency

  1. Polycrystalline Panels

Instead of using only one silicon crystal, polycrystalline panels use many silicon crystals. Polycrystalline solar cells are made with little waste by melting silicon pieces and pouring them into a mold.

However, they are less effective than monocrystalline panels because they require less pure silicon. The efficiency ratings of these panels hover around 20% on average. Other drawbacks of polycrystalline technology include a reduced heat tolerance and a 25–35 year average lifespan.

  1. Amorphous Silicon Solar Cell

Have you ever used a pocket calculator that is fueled by the sun? Yes? Then you have undoubtedly seen this kind before. Among the several varieties, the amorphous silicon solar cell is the one that is primarily employed in such pocket calculators. 

These cells have an efficiency rate of just 7%, which is lower than crystalline silicon cells, which have an efficiency rate of about 18%. However, the A-Si-Cells have the benefit of being more affordable. Due to this, it is perfect as a solar panel for home.

  1. Biohybrid Solar Cell

One sort of panel that is still in the development stage is the biohybrid solar cell. A seasoned group at Vanderbilt University made the discovery. Utilizing photosystem 1 to replicate the natural process of photosynthesis is the premise behind the new technology. 

  1. Thin-Film Solar Panels

Comparing thin-film to monocrystalline and polycrystalline ones reveals certain advantages. They are rather lightweight, to start with. Additionally pliable (as opposed to the other sorts’ rigidity), they are simpler to install than the heavier, thicker varieties.

They are also far less expensive to manufacture and install than other varieties. 

Solar Panel Cost

Despite being the most effective, monocrystalline panels are also the priciest, with a cost of $1 to $1.50 per watt on average. The next most costly versions are polycrystalline, which range in price from $0.70 to $1 per watt. CIGS thin-film is the most costly, costing $0.60 to $0.70 per watt, followed by CdTe thin-film at $0.50 to $0.60 per watt and a-Si thin-film at $0.43 to $0.50 per watt.