New Eco-Friendly Dye Indican Could Revolutionize Denim Industry

The denim industry, worth billions, is facing scrutiny for its environmental impact. Producing blue...

Save Time and Environment: The New Paris Metro!

It’s a transportation system that has sparked poems, novels, and films. It features stunning...

Wellington Welcomes Home its First Kiwi Birds Born in Over a Century

Two kiwi chicks have been found in the wild in Wellington, marking the first reported wild births of...

Wolverines Officially Categorized As Endangered Species

As the climate crisis melts away their snowy mountain homes, North American wolverines have been...

Carbon Passports: A Radical Solution for Sustainable Travel Practices

The global community is paying closer attention to how travel affects the environment as the climate...

Spain Flooding: Structures Collapsed, Cars Drowned, and Roads Turned to Mud

In a tragic turn of events, Spain has been engulfed in violent downpours that have caused disastrous...

Londoners To Pay Regal Fee If Driving Old Polluting Cars

Starting on Tuesday, you’ll have to pay a regal fee of £12.50 ($15.70) every day if you drive...

10% of America’s Population Emit 40% of Planet-Pollution.

America’s wealthiest people are among the world’s biggest pollutants. The richest 10% population and...

Hawaiian Wildfires: At Least 36 Dead At Maui.

Strong winds from a far-off hurricane fueled the wildfires in the city of Lahaina, the...